How to get to San Sebastián
If you need any further travel information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can provide you with detailed information about timetables and connections from the airports in Bilbao, San Sebastián and Biarritz, or train station in Hendaye (France).
Email: or Phone: + 34 943 326 705
If you travel by plane
Bilbao (BIO) is our next international airport and only 100 km away from San Sebastián. There is an hourly bus service from the Airport to the central bus station in San Sebastián. Travel time: 70 minutes
Link: Bus tickets
San Sebastián national airport (EAS) in Hodarribia, 25 km away from the center. All flights vía Madrid or Barcelona. There is a bus service to San Sebastián city centre every 20 minutes.
Travel time: 30 minutes
Biarritz (BIQ) airport in France is only 45 km away from San Sebastián. Please asked for more details.
By train
From any point in Spain you can travel with RENFE to San Sebastán.
Madrid-San Sebastián 5 h · Barcelona-San Sebastián: 6 h.
From Paris to San Sebastián (via Hendaye):
San Sebastián is 20 km away from the French border. The High Speed Train "TGV" needs only 4,5 hours from Paris to Hendaye and half an hour more by EUSKOTREN from Hendaye to San Sebastián.
By bus from Madrid or Barcelona
From Madrid the bus needs 6h and from Barcelona 7h. There are buses from the main European cities to San Sebastián.
TANDEM SAN SEBASTIÁN - Transfer Service from airports to accommodatioa
We offer transfer services for single students and groups from Hendaye train station, the airports of Bilbao (BIO), San Sebastián (EAS) and Biarritz (BIQ) to your accommodation in San Sebastián.
- Please contact us for more information.