DELE Examination Courses

Preparing for official examinations

TANDEM San Sebastián is a DELE Examination Centre recognized by the INSTITUTO CERVANTES, so students can enrol at our school for the preparation course and take the examination directly afterwards in our school.


The preparation course consiste of 25 lessons per week:

    • 20 lessons in our Intensive Course
    • 5 individual lessons for specific D.E.L.E. exam preparation
    • Pack2 - one workshop, one activity per week
1 week 340 €
2 weeks 680 €
Additional week 330 €
  • Administration fee for all courses: 60 €
  • All our lessons are 45 minutes


DELE Exam dates at TANDEM San Sebastián 2025

Exam date: Student must register before: €
14/02/2025 January 8 €
04/04/2025 February 12 €
23/05/2025 April 9 €
12/09/2025 July 16 €
17/10/2025 September 3 €
22/11/2025 October 8 €



Acceso (A1) · Plataforma (A2) · Umbral (B1) Avanzado (B2) · Dominio Operativo (C1) · Maestría (C2)


The 'Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE)', issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education, Social Policies and Sport, are official qualifications accrediting levels of competence and command of the Spanish language.




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