Teacher Training Course

For native and non-native Spanish teachers

Training courses for teachers to update and perfect their knowledge of the language and to exchange experiences regarding methodological and pedagogical issues.

Teachers will have the opportunity to review, improve and enrich their knowledge about Spanish, as well as answer their questions. This course explores new trends in methodology and facilitates the implementation of teaching activities with special attention to the technologies applied to the ELE classroom. It also favors reflection and teamwork with the exchange of ideas among teachers.

  • Duration: 1week · 30 lessons
  • 6 lessons per day from Monday to Friday
  • 4 lessons Intensive Course + 2 lessons in a minigroup
  • levels: B2 · C1 · C2
  • small groups with 3 to 8 students


In 2024 you can start EVERY MONDAY!


Participants can apply for ERASMUS+ funding!


Tandem San Sebastián is registered at the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) with the Identification Code: PIC 946770926


1 week 420 €
  • Administration fee: 60 €
  • All lessons are 45 minutes

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