Booking conditions for students who need a Visa for Spain

Before you enrol on a Spanish course, please note that the conditions for granting a Visa include medical insurance covering your stay abroad, a residential address in San Sebastián and sufficient financial means. You can obtain information regarding a Visa application from the Spanish Embassy in your country.

Addresses of Spanish Embassies worldwide can be found at the website of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (



Conditions for students who need the student VISA. For further information visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (

1. Fill in the registration form from our website.

2. Registration will be confirmed as soon as possible with a proforma invoice of the course and accommodation by email.

3. Once the TOTAL amount of the course and accommodation has been paid, we will send you all the necessary documents to present at the Spanish Embassy in your country.

Payment must be made by bank transfer to our account number:

CAJA LABORAL (bank) Avda. De la Libertad, 10 - 20004 San Sebastián.
BIC / SWIFT CODE: CLPEES2M · IBAN: ES20 3035006047 0600086226

Important: indicate the name of the student. Bank charges must be paid by the student.


If you are not granted a Visa, we will reimburse the payment, retaining a cancellation fee of 120 €, if written confirmation from the Spanish Embassy is provided. This should be send by Email to TANDEM SAN SEBASTIÁN.

The arrival and departure days and participation in our courses by non-European citizens will be checked by the local immigration office.

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