TANDEM Quality teaching in a friendly school

We exclusively work in small groups with a maximum of 8 students  per level, so you will actively take part in situations posed in class and enjoy individual attention. Our main aim is to develop the communicative abilities of the course participants with dynamic and effective classes.

Everything is carefully arranged in order to make your stay as pleasant as possible: the accommodation in the chosen option, a suitable Spanish course level and class contents, and also the cultural activities are programmed to satisfy the wide range of our students’ age and backgrounds.

Our medium-sized school allows a personalized attention to the students and helpful assistance by school team and qualified teachers. In TANDEM San Sebastian a team of professionals awaits you to make the best of your learning experience in a unique ambiance.

We are partners of European Institutions in Germany, Italy, France in the framework of  ERASMUS+ Projects.


Our special Super Intensive Courses are recognised in Germany as "Bildungsurlaub"


Tandem San Sebastián is registered at ECAS (European Commission Authentication Service) with the PIC-Code number 946770926 (Participant Identification Code)

Spanish levels at TANDEM:

Sanish levels in our Tandem courses

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