Enjoy a Taster Day!
Spanish & Surf · Spanish & Nature · Spanish & Cooking
Spanish & Surf
1,5 h One-to-One Spanish lessons, followed by
1 h Surf lessons at the Zurriola beach
Levels: all levels of Spanish and surf, also for beginners.
Dates: every Wednesday afternoon.
Timetable: from 16.00 to 19.30 h.
Meeting point: TANDEM
Price 95 €
Includes Spanish class material and surf lesson, equipment and insurance.
Special prices for 2 or more people and groups.
At TANDEM office Tel 943 32 67 05, available until Monday prior to course.
For all details please contact us at info@tandemsansebastian.com
Spanish & Pintxo Tour
1,5 h One-to-One Spanish lessons, followed by
2 h San Sebastián walking tour with special pintxo-tasting in a small group
Levels: All levels of Spanish available, also for beginners
Timetable: Afternoons from 17:00 to 20:30 h.
Meeting point: TANDEM
Dates 2019:
March 19 ; April 16 ; May 21 ; June 25 ; July 23 ; August 20 ; September 24 ; October 8 and November 5.
Price 95 €
Includes Spanish class material, Pintxo Tour with visiting 3 bars with selected pintxos and local wines and TANDEM accompanying guide.
Special prices for 2 or more people and groups.
TANDEM office Tel 943 32 67 05, available until Monday prior to course.
For all details please contact us at info@tandemsansebastian.com